Here you find Dr. David Marten’s Speech in the EU parliament about all the hard facts of Corona history.
They already made trials in the 60s witht the virus out of a US Lab with the UK. It all has a long time coming since the 1900’s they planned pandemics. We need to wake up to this scam on humanity.
Direct link to the video: starts at minute 1:34. It’s already a re-post. Obviously many have something against the truth - as the truth is the souls sister. Hans Bonneval
I consider "No Virus" one of the biggest psy-ops of our time - a safe and easy way to kick yourself completely out of the debate. Secret services love Lanka: There is no easier way to disarm your enemies than to make them believe total BS. This is 5th generation warfare.
Nowadays viruses are not getting isolated - they get sequenced. C-19 has been sequenced in thousands of labs around the world.
"Deagel" has long been debunked by James Corbett.
I can really set my watch so that Lanka supporters come around the corner when I present researchers on the origin of Covid-19 on my channel. You could gladly go and proselytize to a different audience - you certainly do not proselytize me. And I do not get why you think insulting me or my interview partners lead to success - just shows the level you are acting on.
I agree with the arguments that there is no such thing as a virus that can be shown to exist. See the work of Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey, Dr. Albert Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Dr. Mike Yeadon. People have been deliberately frightened into taking injections that are intended to do what they are doing, which is kill people slowly over a period of time, while paid puppetized shills aid and abet the process, using people’s normalcy bias and programmed childish trust in “authority” to murder them. The “clot shot” is a “sucker punch.”
I really do not get why Lanka fans try to proselytize me. As I said - I can really set my watch so that Lanka supporters come around the corner when I present research on the origin of Covid-19 on my channel. Go try to proselytize someone else - I'm a hopeless case.
Dr. David Martin speaks also about it. If one manages to get his presentation with all the facts and literature would be great!
Great work, keep going!
Here you find Dr. David Marten’s Speech in the EU parliament about all the hard facts of Corona history.
They already made trials in the 60s witht the virus out of a US Lab with the UK. It all has a long time coming since the 1900’s they planned pandemics. We need to wake up to this scam on humanity.
Direct link to the video: starts at minute 1:34. It’s already a re-post. Obviously many have something against the truth - as the truth is the souls sister. Hans Bonneval
You are welcome!
Happy wake up
Silvester 24
Jetzt ist es vorbei, das Jahr der Miseren,
die werden im neuen Jahr wiederkehren
ganz sicher mit den bekannten Gestalten,
die bleiben schließlich wie wir auch die Alten.
Weil die sind und leider nicht wir an der Macht,
hoffen wir, dass es nicht allzu sehr kracht.
Ist das nicht ein frommer Neujahreswunsch?
Viel Spaß mit und ohne Silvesterpunsch.
Do you think you enhance the power of your argument if you insult people?
I consider "No Virus" one of the biggest psy-ops of our time - a safe and easy way to kick yourself completely out of the debate. Secret services love Lanka: There is no easier way to disarm your enemies than to make them believe total BS. This is 5th generation warfare.
Nowadays viruses are not getting isolated - they get sequenced. C-19 has been sequenced in thousands of labs around the world.
"Deagel" has long been debunked by James Corbett.
I can really set my watch so that Lanka supporters come around the corner when I present researchers on the origin of Covid-19 on my channel. You could gladly go and proselytize to a different audience - you certainly do not proselytize me. And I do not get why you think insulting me or my interview partners lead to success - just shows the level you are acting on.
I agree with the arguments that there is no such thing as a virus that can be shown to exist. See the work of Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey, Dr. Albert Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Dr. Mike Yeadon. People have been deliberately frightened into taking injections that are intended to do what they are doing, which is kill people slowly over a period of time, while paid puppetized shills aid and abet the process, using people’s normalcy bias and programmed childish trust in “authority” to murder them. The “clot shot” is a “sucker punch.”
Good for you. I don't. I think you guys fell for a psy-op. You cannot explain the phenomenon of contagion.
I really do not get why Lanka fans try to proselytize me. As I said - I can really set my watch so that Lanka supporters come around the corner when I present research on the origin of Covid-19 on my channel. Go try to proselytize someone else - I'm a hopeless case.