On February 25, US star economist Jeffrey Sachs gave the opening speech at the first big peace demonstration for Ukraine in Germany. Who is Jeffrey Sachs - and what interests does he represent?
Great long article.- Jeffrey Sachs is a Bilderberger, Weffie and long time member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is an establishment tool and not a friend of the people.
Apr. 30, 2023·Apr. 30, 2023 bearbeitetGelikt von Aya Velázquez
This BBC interview from 2010 with (globalist financial puppet) Jeffrey Sachs and Hugh Hendry is famous in the financial world. Sachs gets slammed by Hendry: "were you skiing?" and "I Would Recommend You Panic." https://youtu.be/3oZtPK6hqLU p.s. when YouTube ("Video unavailable") keeps on deleting this interview then there's probably a lot of truth to it: https://www.businessinsider.com/hugh-hendry-vs-jeffrey-sachs-2010-5?r=US&IR=T
It's the usual "Economic Hit Man" narrative: soft restructuring for Western countries and shock therapy for 'other' countries.
My personal read on Sachs is that he is part of the somewhat reality based wing of the transnational elite. He wants to live like a permanent Chinese party emperor, and sees the integration as relative equals of the ruling elites of Russia and China as a neccessity for maintaining the current western system (from which he handsomely profits and benefits). Open confrontation with these elites is thus contrary to his interests.
Great long article.- Jeffrey Sachs is a Bilderberger, Weffie and long time member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is an establishment tool and not a friend of the people.
Because all women who look like women are controlled opposition? Because women can't write? Or because psychosis is still ongoing?
I feel really sorry for you, Bobby.
This BBC interview from 2010 with (globalist financial puppet) Jeffrey Sachs and Hugh Hendry is famous in the financial world. Sachs gets slammed by Hendry: "were you skiing?" and "I Would Recommend You Panic." https://youtu.be/3oZtPK6hqLU p.s. when YouTube ("Video unavailable") keeps on deleting this interview then there's probably a lot of truth to it: https://www.businessinsider.com/hugh-hendry-vs-jeffrey-sachs-2010-5?r=US&IR=T
It's the usual "Economic Hit Man" narrative: soft restructuring for Western countries and shock therapy for 'other' countries.
My personal read on Sachs is that he is part of the somewhat reality based wing of the transnational elite. He wants to live like a permanent Chinese party emperor, and sees the integration as relative equals of the ruling elites of Russia and China as a neccessity for maintaining the current western system (from which he handsomely profits and benefits). Open confrontation with these elites is thus contrary to his interests.
I do not neccessary see a contradiction here.